No data

Chapter 1: Safety Net

I stomped back and forth across the floor of my bedroom, waiting for the taxi to arrive. I can feel the rage rising with each step. No matter what I do, counting to ten or... taking a deep breath... nothing helps. I just can't settle.
I thought I had experienced what intensely pain was before. But now, everything I have ever endured feels minuscule compared to it. This pain hurts to breathe; my whole body aches. Sometimes, I find it even made it hard for me to breathe. It feels like someone is squeezing my lungs, then releasing them barely for me to catch my breath for seconds before resuming the torture. It’s like a never-ending, vicious cycle.
I collapsed against the wardrobe as I heaved in deep breaths and tried to calm myself down. My eyes began to burn as a low growl slipped out.
"We can't travel in such a condition, Amaris. If we lose control, it's dangerous," my wolf, Aurora, whined.1
"I know, Rory, I'm trying." I groaned, massaging my temples.
Drooping my head low, I breathed deeply. My eyes were still burning, so I knew I was running out of time before emotions got the better of me.
I huffed and made my way into the bathroom; maybe cold water could cool me down, pulling me out of that annoyance. I paused in front of the sink and glanced in the mirror before turning on the tap.
Interrupting the dropping water, I splashed the water over my face and then closed my eyes, letting the water trickle down my face, imagining that it was anger slowly coursing off me.
"Everything will be fine," Aurora attempted to assure me the best she could.
It wasn't going to be okay; how could it be?
I hummed in response and grabbed the towel hanging by the sink. I dabbed my face before dropping the towel by the side of the sink.
I can’t even recognize the woman staring back at me in the mirror anymore. My eyes don't sparkle like they used to be; my once bright blue eyes are dull and lifeless.
My life hasn't gone the way I imagined, or even distinct from the way I wanted. Usually, at twenty-three, a she-wolf would meet her mate. But that is not always the case, at least not for me.
A beep resonated around my apartment. My taxi had arrived. I headed back into the bedroom and grabbed my suitcase.
I made my way to my front door before turning and glancing around the room. This apartment is small compared to my childhood home, but this is my safety net. I'm already on edge because leaving here just makes everything worse for me.
I sighed and dragged my suitcase outside, shutting the door behind me. The taxi driver was standing by the door, typing away on his phone as I approached him.
"Here, let me help." He offered, shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Thank you," I mumbled as he took my suitcase to the back of the taxi.
I opened the back door and climbed in. I fastened the belt before taking a deep breath.
"You've got this."
I let out a breath shakily and nodded at the taxi driver, who was sitting in front of the taxi glancing in the rear-view mirror.
Gazing out of the window as we drove through the streets of Vancouver, I thought I'm going to miss here while I'm away. This has been my home for three years. I moved here just before my twentieth birthday.
It was perfect for me; no pack life, no wolves, and certainly no chance of finding my mate.
"Are you traveling anywhere nice?" The taxi driver chatted.
"Nah, just going home," I replied nonchalantly, staring out of the window.
He hummed in response and toyed with the stereo in the car. I sighed, rested my head on the window, while soft music filled the car. Following it, those memories started to come flooding back to me.
I'm from a small village in Devon. Clovelly is a stunning place; it's every wolf's dream, with remote fields and many forests in the vicinity.
There are four neighboring packs in Devon: Crimson Pack, Luna Pack, Moon Lake Pack, and Dark Wolf Pack.
The name of the Crimson Pack comes from the alpha family. Each wolf in the family has crimson-colored fur, or partially.
The name of the Moon Lake Pack comes from the lake that surrounds its pack land. When the moon is brightest, it reflects against the lake. I've never seen it before, but some said that it's beautiful.
I'm originally from The Dark Wolf Pack. The pack is named after a dark wolf. It used to be a legend, something you would read in a book. But everything has changed through these years.
As for the Luna Pack, I don't know how they came up with their name. I don't think anyone knows, well apart from them.
The taxi came to a standstill outside the airport. The taxi driver opened his door before jumping out. He opened my door and smiled at me. I climbed out and went to the back of the car as he opened the trunk and hauled my suitcase out.
He pulled my suitcase in front of me and nodded. I gave him some cash with a quick, "thank you."
Taking a deep breath and gazing up at the airport, I breathed slowly and squared my shoulders before going into it. Once I checked in and gone through security, I headed towards the airport bar. I had time to spare before the boarding time.
I stood outside the bar, glancing around; it was too crowded for my liking, but I couldn't just stand around in the waiting area. Thus, I waded through the crowds, searching for an empty table or seat and eventually spotted a table at the far end of the bar. After making my way over, I flopped down in the chair and let out a breath.
"Hi, what can I get you?" A waitress asked as I set my phone and plane ticket on the table in front of me.
"A gin and tonic, please," I answered.
I was surprised they even had table service, especially in such a busy moment. I am glad that I didn't have to fight my way through the crowds again though.
"Got it, I'll be right back." She smiled before disappearing into the crowd.
Leaning back in my chair, I sighed. Alcohol doesn't exactly work on werewolves, but I need a little liquid courage for this trip.
Suddenly, my phone lit up, vibrating on the table. Unlocked the screen, I saw a text message from uncle Tristan. I sighed and dropped it back on the table.
"Here's your drink, miss." The waitress placed the glass down in front of me with the bill.
"Thank you," I replied.
She nodded and went over to another table. After taking a long sip, I picked the phone up, dragged in an uneasy breath and start reading the message.
'Hey, Mari. I'll be at the airport when you land. I can't wait to see you. X'
I was nervous about seeing everyone in the pack again, especially my family. I haven't seen any of them since I left. I cut all contact when I moved. I had my reasons, but I don't know if everyone fully understands why. Sometimes, I don't believe I did the right thing.
I didn't want anyone to be in danger, and if they were still in contact with me, they would be.
'Will Lucas come too?′
I set my phone down while waiting for a reply. I picked my glass up and downed the rest of my drink. Lucas is my cousin, and I was hoping we could talk before I get back to the pack.
I leaned forward as my phone lit up. I picked up the phone and checked the message.
'No. I need to talk to you before we get back to the pack.'
I slumped against my chair and sighed. Guess I'm going back to the pack and facing everyone.