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Chapter 1 Shift

Rosalie's POV
Rosalie was short of breath and she felt her fate was sealed. She knew she was almost at her limit, but she drove her wolf, Reign, to move more quickly. She was unable to slow down in time as there was a valley in front of her.
Although fear held her now, she had been here previously and was familiar with this section of the woods. She began to slide down till a sticking bush broke her fall, but it did not stop her from rolling until she hit the ground hard.
The fear made her body tremble as she was in the line of sight of four sets of angry yellow eyes, and the sound of wolf paws thundering indicated that they were approaching and getting closer. If they were able to reach her, their menacing snarl showed that their intentions were not good at all. She simply foolishly walked into the trap set by these rogue lycans, who were waiting for her in the woods.
She couldn't quite figure out what they wanted from her or what she had done wrong to deserve their hatred. She doubted that she would live long enough to find out the answer to this query.
They were closing the distance, growing closer every moment.
Reign let out a painful snort as the impact forced all of the breath out of her lungs. She looked up and saw those four sets of eyes glaring down at her.
With a powerful growl that reverberated throughout the forest, the largest of them stood on its hind legs to declare their victory. If only she hadn't been so desperate that she'd torn herself apart from Tristan and made the stupid decision to run into the woods.
Had she acted with more maturity and spoken those words that would have permanently severed her connection to her ex-mate, she wouldn't be lying there at the mercy of these four terrifying rogues.
They lowered themselves slowly, their gaze, locked on hers.
Her fate rested with them; she was their victim. All she needed was one more try to pull herself out of danger. Her wolf, Reign, wanted to roll onto her side in an attempt to stand again but she was only half successful. She could hardly stand the pain that surged through her side. She needed to go before the four reached where she was. On top of that, she discovered that two of her legs were fractured from the fall when she tried to stand. She thought that her quick run had already hurt them and she was too busy running to notice it.
Reign let out a deafening cry.
She still had many people who loved her, therefore she wasn't ready to die yet. The four devils eventually reached where she was. They walked around her, licking their lips, their eyes a menacing dull yellow color. The large grey furred Lycan shifted, revealing a huge man with a strong build standing in front of her. He had a chiseled face, as though it was sculpted from a rock, his demeanor exuding nothing but danger.
With menacingly exposed fangs, he commanded, "Shift!" She wavered. She was not going to stand completely nude in front of four males who promised nothing but evil for any reason.
He gave another nasty growl and snapped his fangs in her direction when his command was not followed promptly.
He hissed, "Shift, right now. Don't force me to say it again. I'm not very good at patience." Rosalie moved away from the rogues before shifting back to her human form. Rosalie ran to hide behind a tree, but one of the rogues moved to yank her out of her hiding place. Their eyes roamed her body from head to toe, with their ravenous gaze, lingering on her boobs and her vagina which she was trying to cover with her hands while she stood there, stark naked.
"Who are you guys and what is it you want from me?" She asked, her body trembling.
The remaining three transformed, but she noticed that their characteristics remained the same, making them look like quadruplets. After exchanging glances, the four of them laughed really hard.
"Look, she finally found her voice. And trust me when I say I would love to hear it more. What a delicacy you are, little wolf. Why don't we have a taste of her before we finish the task?" He asked the rest. "So we achieve two goals at once. We get the money and we have a nice time."
He leaned forward and said, "This is the best task I've ever received. Look at that pretty mouth, I bet it can do a lot of things." he teased her, seeing that she was shaken by what he had said.
"Guys, the woman didn't exactly specify how long we can keep her. She is ours to keep for as long as we want." The enormous Lycan, who was the leader, said, "We just have to make sure that she is still alive when we finish with her. The job is quite simple, guys."
Then it all made sense to her.
These men were actually paid to rape her; someone intended to hurt her. Thus, the reason for their payment was simply to punish her. Rosalie knew only her sister Kristine was capable of that. She couldn't believe Kristine, her own sister, could go that far. She was loved by all in the pack and had no problems with anyone, so she couldn't possibly think of anyone else.
Then, right after Kristine and her ex-mate returns to the pack, this occurs.
'No! No Selene! Please don't let this be.' she prayed with her eyes closed, 'Let it be someone else, but not Kristine.'
She suddenly felt two hands touch her: one grabbing her butt cheeks, the other fondling her breasts. One of her attackers snarled softly with his face on her neck, he inhaled deeply "Ahhh, you smell so good, I could eat you."
Rosalie sobbed as she felt a warm mouth suck her nipples and a finger slid into her core. She was certain now that that was her last day on earth and that these four monsters were not going to spare her.
"She's so fucking tight." One of them hissed, amused.
She froze with fear, closing her eyes and standing in her spot, praying silently to the moon goddess. Her teeth chattered with fear as tears streamed down her face. "Don't be afraid, baby. We'll be gentle with you." With his finger pumping deeper and faster into her pussy, the leader teased, "Just a little longer and you'll scream in ecstasy."
She was hardly able to withstand the pain. "Let go of me, please." She pleaded with tears in her eyes, "Leave me alone; I didn't do anything wrong, Please."
And all of a sudden they heard an earth shattering growl. For a little moment, even she forgot the situation she was in.
Her mouth fell open as she met the gaze of the largest wolf she had ever seen.
He was definitely an Alpha but not even an ordinary alpha. No ordinary alpha exuded that kind of power. The four rogues fell to their knees at his commanding presence.